Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Energy Policy Act of 2005

Thank you Congress for passing the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Day Light Savings), a policy enacted apparently so people can ride after work. This is my favorite holiday by far. No other one even comes close.

Yesterday was a rare occasion where both Cindy and I were available to meet with an accountant to finish our taxes. But the sun was shining and the roads were dry and Congress gave me an extra hour to ride. This is nothing to sneeze at.

Riding outside after spending a winter on a trainer creates the illusion of going really fast. I picked a route that would take Bill and me by a hardware store. I needed some things to get the house ready to sell. I am seriously going to miss our house but it’s time to move on.


  1. Great holiday INdeed! Just chill'n after the evening ride & it's 8:45 pm... NICE!

  2. Let the sunshine in. Let the sunshine in. the sunshine in.

    Rinse and repeat!!!!!!!!!!
