Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yakima Racks and the Lowest Common Denominator

Yakima used to make a warning sign that would pop up when a vehicle slowed below 10 mph, saying something like: "toys on top". I clearly remember wondering what kind of moron would need a waring sign to remind them their bikes were on their roof and why Yakima Engineers considered the lowest common denominator of bicyclists when making accessory items.

I think about this every so often, like when the McDonald's drive through warning sign hit my Felt in North Carolina, or last Fall when my garage hit my Tomac.

I thought about it again today as I took parts from two broken Yakima racks and made one good rack. I am fool enough to make a mess but resourceful enough to clean it up. That right there could be my motto.


  1. I personally have not had such an issue... however, Glen has had some memory lapse over the years:
    1 bike damaged entering the garage
    1 of my bikes attacked a bank atm awning
    1 of my bikes was backed into a concrete post in a parking lot... a bike shop parking lot.

    Knock on wood... I have a clean slate when it comes to that sort of thing! We don't need to talk about the trees I hit, things I fall from, or toppling over in parking lots at slow speeds, etc...

  2. Ouch. I've never experienced the joy of crunching bikes off the roof rack, but have witnessed it in action and the aftermath - a few examples of each.
