Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Want it Wednesdays: Magic Eraser

This week’s Want it Wednesday lowers the bar a bit; however, I am in aw how well Magic Erasers work. "Aw" might be overselling it a smidgen. One of the problems with, and advantages of, living in an apartment is my bikes are stored on my bedroom walls. No matter how careful I am when navigating the bicycles through the halls in my apartment, the tires brush against the walls leaving black witness marks.

There is nothing that can remove tire marks off walls like a Magic Eraser.

You get it damp, brush it across the mark and, walla,

just like that, no marks.

It delights me every time I use it. No seriously, I get giddy when I see tire marks on the walls. And for bonus points, Magic Eraser has fought back the urge to market themselves on infomercials. People buy them because Magic Erasers work the way they say they do. A greater compliment cannot be given.


  1. Ha ha, I couldn't think of anything for "Want it Wednesday" this week. Your post just shows that I lack imagination.

    I'm also a big fan of the Magic Eraser. It's an important element when you frequently combine pink hoods, white saddles, and copious mud as I am wont to do.

  2. Congrats Neil on having the weirdest want it wednesday so far!

    And Lindsay, its not a problem but don't feel you have to limit it to just bike parts, as long as you can make it bike related. Even magic erasers!!

  3. Are these Magical erasers available in the grocery store...or is this like an internet or "As Seen On TV" purchase?

  4. Grocery stores, nestled in between SOS pads and Brillow pads. They work way too well be be seen on TV. Oh, they also magically erase grape juice and raspberry stains from your kitchen counter. You will wonder how you got through life without them.

    1. How can I not want to try them, when you speak of them with such passion?! I'm sold!

  5. I believe it will change your outlook on life. I also believe I tend to over sell ideas.
