Sunday, May 15, 2011

2011 Brighton Race, Blah

Today was the Brighton Cross Country race. This was my "A" race since the trail fits my riding style and it's just a short bike ride away from my house. I finished 3rd which, at a glance, doesn't look bad at all. But there were only 4 people in Sport Single Speed; I guess the cold temperatures and rain kept away all but the dumbest racers. And I DNF'd. This will likely be my highest finish this season so I will proudly take the medal even though it doesn't really mean anything.

Actually today's race was part of a two day stage race but I skipped the races yesterday so I could go to the girls' dance competition. I will trade my Inglis for a recumbent before I miss another dance competition.

Allie spent Friday night at a friends. I told Em we could do anything she wanted. Anything. One should carefully consider signing a blank check like that. She asked to go to the Detroit Hoedown. Why couldn't she just ask for a pony. Em took my I-pod to Florida last month. She told me it was because I had Pearl Jam on it. I thought I was moving her past her country music phase.

I went to the Hoedown about 20 years ago. I didn't like country music back then either but I figured it would be a spectacle that could not be missed. I went with the right group of friends and we had a good time.

Either I have changed or the world has changed but regardless, I am not clever enough to string together the right combination of words to adequately describe the skankfest I stepped into.

I try to turn everything into a learning field trip. Em and I talked about how clothes make a statement and we tried to guess what statements the people at the Hoedown were making. I treated it like that "Scared Straight" program where kids that were headed down the wrong path spent a day listening to inmates in order to get a sense what prison was like. Em seemed horrified and I felt like I was making progress nudging her towards my way of thinking.

There were a few parents there with their kids. As parents, we all try to nudge our children into our own way of thinking. It is probably best we don't all succeed.


  1. Ahhhh!!!! The bottom picture freaks me out!! Skankasaurus rex!!

  2. I know right, Skanksgiving in May because November is just too far away. Em said I looked out of place.

  3. Zen-
    Before you start calling people "skanks" and making fun of are pretty much perfect? I've looked up your race results...not to impressive...maybe the trail is really where you're out of place?

  4. I’m far from perfect and I have poor race results. I don’t think I’ve tiptoed around either of these issues. But your point is well taken and I apologize if I offended anyone. I’m not going to edit though; it’s just an obscure blog. And my point of view is my point of view even if I’m wrong.

  5. ha ha... wow. :) Comparing race results to purposeful presentation of public skankdom? I'm not making the connection.

  6. Well sure Ali, you can call a skank a skank but that's just because you beat me at MSB.

  7. Since when do you have to be perfect to start making fun of other people? blogs are SUPPOSED to offend people for God's sake. When I want to read politically correct stuff I head over to NPR. When I want to read someone who has the balls to have an opinion I read an opinion piece, often referred to as a blog. I always tell people if I'm not pissing people off at least sometimes I'm not doing my job.

    Oh, and Ms. Anonymous, that would be "not TOO impressive." If you're going to give someone shit at least get your spelling correct.

    love Dirt Diva, feel free to peruse my race results if you're feeling salty
